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Standard-CGS ・全ドキュメント、全単語の「出現回数」分処理をするので重たい。 ECGS-Shortcut ・全ドキュメントの単語は同じtopicに属するものと、ざっくり決める。 ・100回出現していても1回で決めれる。 ECGS-Dynamic ・全ドキュメントの単語は異なるtop…

4.2 ECGS-Dynamic (4/4)

Figure 5 shows the plot of E(|M|) and H(ˆk) for different values of Idi. One can observe that as the entropy increases, the expectation value increases as well for large values of Idi. Intuitively, when P(z|w) is close to an uniform distri…

4.2 ECGS-Dynamic (3/4)

To achieve a high sampling rate at the beginning, Γdi is initialized as [0, · · · , 0, γ] for every type, where γ is the damping factor and γ ∈ N+. まず最初に高いsampling rateを保持するために、全てのtypeに対してΓdiを[0,...0, γ ]で初期化す…

4.2 ECGS-Dynamic (2/3)

An illustrated comparison of different sampling procedures is provided in Figure 4. 図4に異なるsampling処理の比較図を示す。 Given for instance an 8-tokens document with 5 times “cat” and 3 times “dog”. The standard CGS samples 8 times for …

4.2 ECGS-Dynamic (1/3)

4.2 ECGS-Dynamic The intuition behind ECGS-Dynamic is to automatically adapt ¯ St over the iterations, where ¯ St ∈ [ Σd Nd/W, 1]. Loosely speaking, we start CGS with a high sampling rate (e.g. ¯ S1 = 1), such that every token is involved…

4.1 ECGS-Shortcut

4.1 ECGS-Shortcut To introduce our optimization strategies, we first define the sampling rate in CGS iteration t for type wdi as follows: 我々の最適化戦略を導入するために、CGS iteration tにおけるwdiに対するsampling rateを以下のように定義…

4. ECGS Algorithm

4. ECGS Algorithm In this section, two optimization strategies that form the ECGS algorithm are presented. The underling philosophy of the two strategies is the same: reducing the number of iterations Ndi in the 3rd loop. For the sake of c…

文章における「単語の出現頻度」ベースで高速化、かなあ? 次はこのあたりかなあ? 出現回数が多いものに積極的に割り当てていく、的なものかな。 dog:5 cat:3 → だったら、dog:cat = 5:3で、と。


文書ごとにtopicはどうせ最後は集中するでしょ? だったら、0~K全部のtopicを順番に見なくてもいいじゃない。どうせ大体外れると。 だったら、indx[Document][seq] にtopic参照すべき順番を入れておきましょう。例えば、t=3になる文章ならば、indx[] = { 3,…

FastLDA つまり……どういうことだってばよ!?

U = drand(); // draw indx = indx_dp[doc]; // point indx to current sort order U = 0.0~1.0の正規乱数。 indx は文章毎の「Z参照順番」 for (t_ = 0; t_ < T; t_++) { // for each possible topic (sorted order) t=indx[t_]; // t_ refers to sort #, …

4.3 Fast LDA Algorithm

4.3 Fast LDA Algorithm The sampling step for FastLDA begins with a sorted list of topics in descending order by Njk, the most popular topic for a document to the least popular. FastLDAのsampling stepは、まずNjkを逆順にするtopicのソート済…

4.2 Refinement Sequence

4.2 Refinement Sequence Finally, we must also consider the order in which the topics are evaluated. Execution time improves as the number of topics considered before we find the segment sk l containing u decreases. 最後に、我々はtopicを評…

4.1 Upper Bounds for Z(2/2)

H¨older’s inequality describes a class of bounds, for any valid choice of (p, q, r); these values are a design choice of the algorithm. A critical aspect in the choice of bounds is that it must be computationally efficient to maintain. In…

4.1 Upper Bounds for Z(1/2)

FastLDA depends on finding a sequence of improving bounds on the normalization constant, Z1 ≥ Z2 ≥ . . . ≥ ZK = Z. We first define Z in terms of component vectors ~a,~b,~c: FastLDAではZ1 ≥ Z2 ≥ . . . ≥ ZK = Zとなるような正規化定数において…

Fast LDA(3/3)

By organizing the segments in this way, we can obtain a substantial advantage: この方法でsegmentを組織化することで、以下のようなadvantageを得る事が出来る。 we can check each segments in order, knowing only p1 . . . pk and Zk, and if we fin…

Fast LDA(2/3)

Instead of having a single segment for topic k, of length pk/Z = p(zij = k|z¬ij , x, α, β), we instead have several segments skl . . . sk K associated with each topic. pk/Z の長さに基づくtopic kの1つのsegmentの代わりに、我々はそれぞれのt…

Fast LDA(1/3)

大体、CGSのLDAは挙動が解ってきたので、Fast LDAの理解に入る。 4. FAST LDA For most real data sets after several iterations of the Gibbs sampler, the probability mass o…


new_z = numpy.random.multinomial(1, p_z / p_z.sum()).argmax() multinomialは(第1引数)回だけ、(第二引数)確率の試行を繰り返し行って、その時の回数を求めるかな?で、その引数に対して最大値を求めれば「一番選択されうるもの」になると。